When we chose the Post-Apocalypse theme for this contest back in 2019, we could not have foreseen the current global pandemic and societal turbulence that it is leaving behind in its wake. Nonetheless, we are thrilled to announce this #KB3Dcontest's talented winners and finalists, and hope that whether their scenes bring you moments of beauty, horror, or hope, they remain as works of art to aspire towards and recognize for their unique vision and demonstration of mastery.
Without further ado, here are your post-apocalypse winners and finalists...
The Concept Winners
1st Place: Michaela Maria Wartbichler

Michaela says this about her piece "PEOPLE ARE AMAZING, NATURE IS AMAZING ...and no matter how bad things are ... life will find a way... and never forget... there is always hope and someone out there holding a smoke flare for you :-)". Make sure to give her a shout out on her Artstation and Instagram!
2nd Place: David Arno Schwaiger
With a total of three entries from David, we had a difficult time deciding which one we would like to crown as a winner, but this forlorn landscape ended up taking the prize. You can check out his other entries here: 2 and 3. Also make sure to check out the rest of David's amazing portfolio on his website!
3rd Place: Volodymyr Donchenko
Donchenko's choice for an anamorphic composition is perfect for this enormous scene. Having an aspect ratio of 2:35.1 allows us to see and experience the entirety of the vast expanse the main character is about to journey through, thrusting us into the boat alongside them. Make sure to check out his other entries on his Instagram and his other works on his Artstation!
In-Motion Winners
1st Place: Cheng_LL
The minute details in this scene are absolutely overwhelming, and the fact that Cheng can tell such a moving story in just 6 seconds is nothing short of extraordinarily impressive. The scale and composition create a breath-taking look at a post-apocalyptical future with hints of humanity very much still intact. Make sure to check out his Instagram!
2nd Place: Gustaf Fjelstrom
Gustaf Fjelstrom created "The Last Canticle", an audio and visual experiment with an abstract view of a post-apocalypse world.
Gustaf is a motion designer, artist, and illustrator (and recovering creative director) specializing in conceptual design, style frames, and storyboards for title sequences, branding/identity spots, and promotional campaigns.
Make sure to follow his work for future content at his website and Instagram!
3rd Place: Ulysse Prom
Ulysse Prom's entry titled “You Did Not Act In Time” sends a chilling message to the world along with 17-year-old climate and environmental activist, Greta Thunberg.
Make sure to check out Ulysse's body of work Instagram, Youtube, Website
Finalist: Łukasz Brzeski
Lukasz posted this heartwarming entry into our Facebook Group. Make sure to check out his Artstation.
Finalist: Tomi Vaisanen
Water World remake? Make sure to check out Tomi's other entries on his Artstation!
Finalist: Tarmo Juhola
One can find light (and have a beautiful garden) even in the darkest of times. Make sure to give him a shout out on his Instagram and check out his Artstation!
Finalist: Alexey Semenov
Let's hope Alexey is not fortune teller. Make sure to give him a shout out on his Instagram and check out his website.
Finalist: Nemanja Dojkic
Check out freelance matte painter and concept designer Nemanja Dojkic, stationed in Belgrade, and his entry!! Don't miss his Artstation and Instagram.
Finalist: Bahadir Özbek
Not your typical desert oasis. Make sure to check out his Artststion!
Finalist: Sam Biddle
Quite an impressive one-shot! Sam Mendes would be proud. This Sam is a VFX Artist, Working in London, with a keen interest in photography and a passion for filmmaking. Make sure to give him a shout out on his Instagram and check out his website!
We want to thank everyone who contributed to the Post-Apocalypse #kb3dcontest!!!! It was not an easy task to select winners amongst so many talented hardworking people in our community. If you are at all inspired by the incredible works of art above, we would love to invite you to join #BrightArtDarkTimes and post your brightest works with our free Utopia kit. Band together and stay positive during these uncertain times.