

From AAA to Indie: A Quest for Creative Freedom

At the helm of Proxima Studio stands Harvey Newman, a visionary with over two decades of experience in the gaming industry. Newman's career in animation on iconic titles such as Crysis, Fable, and Battlefield has been driven by a relentless pursuit of innovation and a deep passion for storytelling. "After decades in the AAA space, I found myself yearning for the freedom to explore stories that were daring, diverse, and deeply personal," Newman shares.

The studio's first venture, Warship Jolly Roger, embodies this ethos perfectly. Inspired by the richly illustrated and narratively complex Warship Jolly Roger comic series, Newman saw an opportunity to bring a vibrant universe to life. "It was precisely the canvas I was searching for—a universe so rich and detailed it practically demanded to be explored in an interactive medium," he reflects.

"Moving from environments where armies of artists bring worlds to life, to an indie setting where resources are much tighter, was a stark shift."



Challenges of 

Indie Development

Transitioning from AAA to indie game development, Harvey Newman and Proxima Studios faced the colossal task of building Warship Jolly Roger's universe—a feat typically accomplished by large teams of artists in the AAA sphere. "Moving from environments where armies of artists bring worlds to life, to an indie setting where resources are much tighter, was a stark shift," Newman admits. The game's ambition to create a vast galaxy of diverse planets and cultures added layers of complexity to this challenge.

The scope of Warship Jolly Roger meant dealing with a huge asset list to render its myriad worlds with the richness and detail they deserved. Early in the development process, the art director highlighted a sobering reality: "To truly bring this universe to life, we're going to need a lot of artists." This statement underscored the scale of the undertaking, especially daunting given the studio's indie status and limited budget.

In search of a solution that could bridge the gap between their AAA aspirations and indie realities, Proxima Studios turned to Cargo by KitBash3D. Cargo offered a lifeline—its comprehensive library of high-quality, customizable assets allowed the team to populate the game's expansive universe without the need for an extensive team of artists. "Cargo empowered us to achieve AAA visual quality while adhering to our indie constraints," Newman reflects. "It enabled us to bring the diverse and detailed worlds of Warship Jolly Roger to life, without compromising on the depth or breadth of our vision."

"Cargo allowed us to visualize the comic's worlds in 3D space almost immediately, giving our team a tangible sense of place and scale."



From Initial Concept to Final Production

Proxima Studios' workflow integrates Cargo at multiple stages, from initial concept to final production, ensuring that every aspect of the game's universe is both visually compelling and deeply integrated with the game's story. Newman describes Cargo's role as twofold:

"First, it serves as our foundation, allowing us to quickly prototype environments and scenarios that are rich in detail. Secondly, it acts as a bridge, connecting our narrative ambitions with our visual execution."

The early stages of Warship Jolly Roger's development benefited immensely from Cargo's extensive library of assets and its powerful tools for environment creation. "Cargo allowed us to visualize the comic's worlds in 3D space almost immediately, giving our team a tangible sense of place and scale," Newman explains. This rapid prototyping capability enabled the team to experiment with different designs and layouts without the traditional time constraints, fostering a creative environment where ideas could be tested and refined quickly.

As development progressed, Cargo's flexibility became even more crucial. Proxima Studios leveraged its customization features to tailor each environment to fit the game's narrative needs, adding unique elements that enhanced the story's immersion. 

"While Cargo gave us a head start with its pre-built assets, its real power came from how we could modify and enhance those assets to fit our world," Newman says.

This process involved adding specific textures, lighting effects, and architectural details that aligned with the comic's aesthetic, ensuring that the game remained true to its source material while also standing out as a unique visual experience..

Rethinking Game Development



The integration of Cargo into Proxima Studios' development process has not only streamlined the creation of Warship Jolly Roger but fundamentally altered Harvey Newman and his team's approach to game development. "Cargo has revolutionized the way we think about building games," Newman states. "It's not just about making our workflow more efficient; it's about reimagining what's possible with indie resources."

For Newman and Proxima Studios, Cargo has become an indispensable tool that bridges the gap between the ambitious visions of game creators and the practical limitations they face.

"The ability to quickly prototype and iterate on environments has liberated us from the constraints that typically hamper indie development," Newman reflects.


This freedom has allowed the team to pursue more complex and expansive game worlds, confident in their ability to bring these visions to life with the fidelity and depth they require.

The success of Proxima Studios in utilizing Cargo signals a shift in the landscape of indie game development. Newman believes that this approach can serve as a blueprint for other studios facing similar challenges.

"What we've achieved with Cargo demonstrates that indie studios can tackle projects of a scale and complexity once reserved for AAA developers," he asserts.

This realization has the potential to inspire a new wave of indie games that defy traditional expectations regarding scope and quality.

“Anybody that comes from AAA, or anybody that has high ambitions for their game, Cargo is an incredible tool to have. If your gameplay and design is well done, you can have the authenticity of a AAA game.”

Harvey Newman Indie Game Developer

Make sure to follow Proxima Studios’ journey to bringing Warship Jolly Roger to market by adding the game to your wishlist on Steam.

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What is Cargo?

Cargo is a free 3D asset manager software designed to revolutionize the way artists and creators work with 3D assets. It offers a 1-click Import feature for seamless integration into various 3D software environments, coupled with a powerful search and filtering system. Cargo provides users with access to the entire KitBash3D library, which includes over 10,000 premium 3D Models and Materials across a wide range of genres. Cargo is crafted to streamline the creative process, making it smoother and more efficient by facilitating easy management and integration of high-quality 3D assets into your projects. Learn more about Cargo on our website

How much does Cargo cost?

Cargo plans and pricing can be viewed on the Cargo Pricing page

Which Cargo plan is right for me?

If you want to give Cargo a try, you can get started with Cargo Basic for free. Cargo Basic includes a selection of free assets, and can also be used with any individual license Kits you have purchased from


If you’re ready to unlock the full power of Cargo, you can upgrade to Cargo Pro. Cargo Pro includes our entire asset and material library, and we add new releases, Cargo Exclusives, and new features regularly. Cargo Pro is intended for individuals only. Studios with 2 or more members, employees, or contractors may not use Cargo Pro.

For Studios and other organizations, Cargo Teams provides unlimited access to the KitBash3D library, with consolidated billing and team management features. Studios with 2 or more members, employees, or contractors should use Cargo Teams. If you have any questions, contact our Studio Success Team at