Behind the Kit: "Atlantis"

Behind the Kit:

This week, we added Atlantis, our newest Fantasy Kit, to Cargo and our web store. Featuring everything from majestic classical temples and grand theaters to bustling ports and serene rotundas, this Kit transports you to a world of ancient splendor. Immerse yourself in the agoras, shipyards, and ornate palaces, all surrounded and populated by lush gardens and intricate pottery. Perfect for creating scenes of myth and legend, Atlantis offers everything needed to bring a fabled city to life.

Get a behind-the-scenes look at how we developed the models and materials included in the Kit with the KitBash3D team of modelers, texture artists, and more that brought the Kit to life. 

Atlantis - 3D Models and Materials | KitBash3D

What was your favorite part about working on Atlantis?

“My favorite part about working on the kit was working with our concept team to figure out how to bring our version of Atlantis to life. It was an awesome challenge to blend real-world Roman architecture but mix it with the fantastical nature that is the Atlantis mythos. Ensuring that the worlds that people will build feel grounded and new was a ton of fun.” - Mike Reese, Head of Kits

Port - Atlantis - 3D Models and Materials | KitBash3D

“My favorite part of working on this Kit was going back to the basics, to ancient architecture. It had a great influence on architecture in general and of course formed the basis for this Kit. It was also very interesting to combine traditional ancient architecture with fantasy.” - Vladislav Shlenov, Concept Artist

Arch - Atlantis - 3D Models and Materials | KitBash3D

“While working on Atlantis I really enjoyed the atmosphere. It was great to be able to create models that embodied that feeling of being near an ocean town but also with the wondrous Roman/Greek architecture and props. There were a lot of different pieces that had to seamlessly piece together to make that atmosphere come to life. A good example of that was the boats, making sure that the boards and the paddles and the sails all worked was difficult to do but had a wonderful outcome.” - Timo Farhbach, 3D Modeler

Acqueduct - Atlantis - 3D Models and Materials | KitBash3D

“My favorite part of this project was texturing the props. I wanted to tell a little story about each one and make each one as unique as possible.” - Nikita Kulchitskiy, Texture Artist

Set Details - Atlantis - 3D Models and Materials | KitBash3D

“I think my favorite parts were the theme and the inspirations we got for this one. I really like the theme and architecture for this Kit. Another favorite part is the use of trim, it was really awesome to put a lot of details on the buildings with the trimsheet.” - Anderson Araujo, Texture Artist

Shipyard - Atlantis - 3D Models and Materials | KitBash3D

“My favorite part about working on Atlantis was diving into the rich tapestry of Greek architectural influences. It was really cool to collaborate with the team in both inspiration and development, where each idea contributed to enhancing the architecture of the Kit.” - Lienny Ruiz, 3D Modeler

Rotunda - Atlantis - 3D Models and Materials | KitBash3D

“The reference gathering and the collective brainstorming about bringing the concept to life. The architectural style is very recognizable but finding ways to modify it to depict our version of Atlantis was a delightful experience.” - Luis Tornel, Asset Supervisor

Do you have a favorite model from Atlantis?

“I am in love with the Palace! It is so grand and huge with so much to explore. You could have an entire level with just that asset. Truly incredible!” - Mike Reese, Head of Kits

Palace - Atlantis - Premium 3D Models and Materials | KitBash3D

“My favorite asset from the kit is the Temple of Poseidon. It is a whole chain of buildings flowing into each other, representing a tangled structure, but at the same time a holistic image.” - Vladislav Shlenov, Concept Artist

Temple of Poseidon - Atlantis - Premium 3D Models and Materials | KitBash3D

“The asset I really loved from this Kit would have to be the Temple of Olympia because there were so many different levels that stacked on top of one another creating a wonderful dynamic model.” - Timo Farhbach, 3D Modeler

Temple of Olympia - Atlantis - Premium 3D Models and Materials | KitBash3D

“My favorite building is the Palace because it is so huge and has a lot of details.” - Nikita Kulchitskiy, Texture Artist

Classical Architecture Details - Atlantis - Premium 3D Models and Materials | KitBash3D

“All of them? This Kit has probably the greatest buildings design I've worked at KitBash3D. I love the final result of all of it. If I had to choose just one to print and put in my home office it would be the Theatre.” - Anderson Araujo, Texture Artist

Theater - Atlantis - Premium 3D Models and Materials | KitBash3D

“My favorite asset in this Kit is the Theater. I love the concept of this structure, the shapes and details on the walls. I can imagine some really awesome performances happening there!” - Lienny Ruiz, 3D Modeler

Is there anything about Atlantis you'd like to highlight or shout out?

“Huge shoutout to the texturing team for creating incredibly rich and vibrant materials! There is so much to look at and appreciate throughout the Kit and something new to discover every time I look at it.” - Mike Reese, Head of Kits

Materials and Props - Atlantis - Premium 3D Models and Materials | KitBash3D

“I would love to shout out the texture team for doing such a wonderful job and making the trims easy to use. It was great to be able to help out there and do a bit of texturing with those trims myself.” - Timo Farhbach, 3D Modeler

Ancient Court - Atlantis - Premium 3D Models and Materials | KitBash3D

“The biggest building was the Palace. Anderson and Lienny did a lot of work to texture and model such a giant building. But the result was amazing!” - Nikita Kulchitskiy, Texture Artist

Pantheon - Atlantis - Premium 3D Models and Materials | KitBash3D

“I'd love to shout out Anderson and Nikita! Their extensive work with the trims in this Kit made everything come to life. From the intricate gold ornaments on the wall to the patterned marble flooring, everything was *chefs kiss*.” - Lienny Ruiz, 3D Modeler

Materials Details - Atlantis - Premium 3D Models and Materials | KitBash3D

“Anderson and Nikita brought the Kit to life with the extensive use of trim sheets adding a lot of details. We have intricate gold patterns and rich floor tiles and a great variety of stone and marble materials. Way to go guys!” - Luis Tornel, Asset Supervisor

Launch Cargo today to start creating with the Kit, and make sure to tag @KitBash3D when you share your work. We can't wait to see the stories of lost civilizations and empires you create. Happy KitBashing! 

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