Behind the Kit - City in the Sky

Behind the Kit - City in the Sky

This week, we're releasing City in the Sky, the latest addition to our Fantasy and Strange Lands collections, to our web store and Cargo. Featuring an array of models and materials including everything from whimsical residences to bustling aerial markets, every element invites you to craft a narrative that defies gravity and sparks imagination.

Read on to check out behind-the-scenes concept art and hear from the team of KitBash3D artists that brought the Kit to life!

City in the Sky - Premium 3D Models and Materials | KitBash3D

What was your favorite part about working on City in the Sky?

“City in the Sky was a real blast! My favorite part was watching the team come together to make sure this Kit felt like an alternate world where society decided to take to the skies and not be hindered by their earthly counterparts. From concepts to texturing, every person involved was extremely passionate about ensuring this Kit felt fantastical while having the believability to spark creators in their journey to create amazing worlds.” - Mike Reese, Head of Kits

City in the Sky - Premium 3D Models and Materials | KitBash3D

“My favorite part of working on this project was multiple aspects. Firstly: this was a unique task from a concept design point of view. Due to the fact that all the structures are floating in the air, it was necessary to work out not only the view from above and around the building, but also below it (that is, to think through the silhouette and functions of the building in such a way that it would seem interesting from all sides). Secondly, it was necessary to maintain a balance between the post-apocalyptic, depressive and the life-affirming, positive look of the structures for some reason floating in the skies.” - Vladislav Shlenov, Concept Artist

City in the Sky - Premium 3D Models and Materials | KitBash3D

"Working on City in the Sky was so much fun as always. This was a very uniquely designed Kit so it was really cool to create models that related to this world. I especially liked that it is centered around flying fish and ships, so we tried to implement many fishing elements and aircraft parts, such as propellers and airplane wings!" - Lienny Ruiz, Kit Lead

City in the Sky - Premium 3D Models and Materials | KitBash3D

“My favorite part about working on City in the Sky was the whole design of it. To create something in this style has been truly wonderful, seeing as the floating buildings were like vehicles. I can't wait to see what type of art will be created using our Kit in the future.” - Timo Fahrbach, 3D Modeler

City in the Sky - Premium 3D Models and Materials | KitBash3D

“My favorite part was creating the unique textures for the props to add more detail and story to this incredible world.” - Nikita Kulchitskiy, Texture Artist

City in the Sky - Premium 3D Models and Materials | KitBash3D

“The possibilities of detailing this Kit with textures was awesome. I was really excited to create trims and detail all those amazing models.” - Anderson Araujo, Texture Artist

City in the Sky - Premium 3D Models and Materials | KitBash3D

Do you have a favorite model from the Kit?

“My favorite piece of the Kit is the Airport. It is a colossal structure. It shows off every aspect of what makes the Kit great. It is the centerpiece of the Kit for me.” - Mike Reese, Head of Kits

City in the Sky - Premium 3D Models and Materials | KitBash3D

“Probably my favorite ones are the Nomad's House, the Flying Farm and the Gas Station. The silhouette works well in them, every detail corresponds to a strictly assigned function and is in its place.”  - Vladislav Shlenov, Concept Artist

City in the Sky - Premium 3D Models and Materials | KitBash3D

"Too many to count! But for props I love the harpoon gun and the rocking chair. Those two are some of the coolest props I've had the opportunity to work on! In terms of structures, I love the Nomad's House. The design of that structure is so unique and the textures make it look incredible!" - Lienny Ruiz, Kit Lead

City in the Sky - Premium 3D Models and Materials | KitBash3D

“My favorite model from the kit is the Shipyard. I love the whole design and the exposed framing on the inside and the large cranes on the outside. It makes it one of the more interesting models I've worked on while here at KitBash3D.” - Timo Fahrbach, 3D Modeler

City in the Sky - Premium 3D Models and Materials | KitBash3D

“My favorite model is The Nomad's House, a cozy, futuristic home that floats in the sky, offering a unique refuge suspended in the clouds. Constructed from weathered metal sheets with rivets.” - Nikita Kulchitskiy, Texture Artist

City in the Sky - Premium 3D Models and Materials | KitBash3D

“The Post Office, Governor's Ship, Hotel and Residential Cluster 1 are the ones I love the most.” - Anderson Araujo, Texture Artist

City in the Sky - Premium 3D Models and Materials | KitBash3D

Is there anything about City in the Sky you'd like to highlight or shout out?

“Huge shoutout to the team for making this Kit come together! It was a huge undertaking, with design challenges throughout the entire production. I can’t wait to see what everyone does with the Kit and all the creative ways it will be used. To the skies!” - Mike Reese, Head of Kits

City in the Sky - Premium 3D Models and Materials | KitBash3D

“As always, great job by the whole team! Timo and Lienny were able to model and improve the kit in many ways, and Nikita and Anderson did some phenomenal textures! Amazing work!” - Vladislav Shlenov, Concept Artist

City in the Sky - Premium 3D Models and Materials | KitBash3D

"I think shoutouts are deserved everywhere! It was a team effort to create this Kit and everyone did amazingly. The concepts were great all around, Vlad went above and beyond adding details and references for us. Anderson and Nikita brought this Kit to life with their extensive trim work! Timo did an awesome job with the structures (the Airport alone was a beast), and he even went on to apply materials to some of the structures!" - Lienny Ruiz, Kit Lead

City in the Sky - Premium 3D Models and Materials | KitBash3D

“I would like to shout Anderson out for his absolute patience with the airport. I took a whole week or so modeling the entire thing and he had about two weeks of texturing to finish it. There were so many small little parts that created the whole thing, it couldn't have been easy to apply hundreds of trims on that model.” - Timo Fahrbach, 3D Modeler

City in the Sky - Premium 3D Models and Materials | KitBash3D

“For this Kit, we used a lot of trim sheets to cover all the buildings and props with extra detail to give this Kit a unique feel.” - Nikita Kulchitskiy, Texture Artist

City in the Sky - Premium 3D Models and Materials | KitBash3D

“I think I want to highlight the whole process for this Kit. The concepts were amazing and the modeling team did a great job with all the many details. I also want to give a huge shout out to Nikita. This was his first full Kit and he did an amazing job applying the trims.” - Anderson Araujo, Texture Artist

City in the Sky - Premium 3D Models and Materials | KitBash3D

About City in the Sky

Explore more of City in the Sky, or launch Cargo today to see everything that's included with the Kit. We can't wait to see what stories you tell with this Kit. Make sure to tag #KitBash3D when sharing so we can highlight your work. Happy KitBashing! 

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