Cargo Changelog for Update 1.1.6

Cargo Changelog for Update 1.1.6

We're thrilled to bring you the latest update for our Cargo. Packed with powerful improvements and essential fixes! Our goal is always to enhance your experience, making it more efficient and enjoyable. In this Cargo Changelog, you'll find stability improvements and bug fixes. Let’s dive into what’s new and how you can benefit from these changes.


Stability Rework: We’ve overhauled a significant part of our backend infrastructure in order to improve Cargo's stability and reliability. This update introduces a new executable CargoPlatformServices.exe. This may require some users to update their network security and firewall settings. Please see the QUICK TIPS section below for more information

Software Setup Update: The software setup process is no longer skippable. Those who have already skipped software setup will not be affected.

Enhanced Logging: Our logging capabilities have been expanded to capture more detailed information, greatly aiding our team in troubleshooting in order to deliver even better support in the future!

Quick Tips

Whitelisting CargoPlatformServices.exeThe new CargoPlatformServices.exe is a vital component of our software, replacing KB3DCore.exe and CargoDownloadApp.exe. To ensure Cargo functions correctly, you may need to whitelist the new executable. For an up to date list of all executables in Cargo please see our Cargo Network Security and Firewalls

Bug Fixes

Subscription Error Resolved: An issue where buying a subscription from an existing account resulted in errors has now been fixed. Subscribing to Cargo is smoother than ever!

About Cargo by KitBash3D

Cargo empowers you to bring your creative visions to life with confidence, offering fast, easy access to a growing library of AAA-quality assets. Get access to a wide range of premium 3D quality assets when you download Cargo today. 
Thank you for choosing our software and reading through this Cargo Changelog. We look forward to continuing to support your needs with our reliable and innovative solutions!

Happy KitBashing!

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