KitBash3D _

'Last of Us II' Concept Artist Assembles a Constructivist Cityscape

'Last of Us II' Concept Artist Assembles a Constructivist Cityscape

What Kind of Computer Do You Need for 3D Rendering in 2021?

What Kind of Computer Do You Need for 3D Rendering in 2021?

What 3D Software Should You Learn How to Use in 2021?

What 3D Software Should You Learn How to Use in 2021?

Here Are Five 3D Asset Kits That Every Artist Needs

Here Are Five 3D Asset Kits That Every Artist Needs

'Destiny 2' Cinematics Director Demos Unreal Engine

'Destiny 2' Cinematics Director Demos Unreal Engine

Building a Sci-Fi Stronghold in the Desert with Daniel Dana

Building a Sci-Fi Stronghold in the Desert with Daniel Dana

How to Create a Viral TikTok with VFX and a Coffee Table

How to Create a Viral TikTok with VFX and a Coffee Table

How 3D Artist Oliver Beck Created a Mystical Kingdom by the Sea

How 3D Artist Oliver Beck Created a Mystical Kingdom by the Sea

Watch Ian Hubert Transport Real People Into CG Worlds [Demo]

Watch Ian Hubert Transport Real People Into CG Worlds [Demo]

From Playing “Modern Warfare 2” to Making 3D Models Professionally

From Playing “Modern Warfare 2” to Making 3D Models Professionally

Video Game Concept Designer Shares His KitBashing Process

Video Game Concept Designer Shares His KitBashing Process

#KB3DContest Winner Turns Childhood Fantasies Into Reality

#KB3DContest Winner Turns Childhood Fantasies Into Reality

3D Artist Pays Tribute to the City of Angels

3D Artist Pays Tribute to the City of Angels

‘LAST OF US II’ Artist Shares His Creative Process

‘LAST OF US II’ Artist Shares His Creative Process

Creating Apocalyptic, Cyberpunk Worlds in Unreal Engine

Creating Apocalyptic, Cyberpunk Worlds in Unreal Engine

How 'LAST OF US II' Artist Uses Blender to Build Worlds

How 'LAST OF US II' Artist Uses Blender to Build Worlds

How Indie Filmmakers Created Epic Worlds for New Animation Trailer

How Indie Filmmakers Created Epic Worlds for New Animation Trailer

'Magic: The Gathering' Concept Artist Creates a World of Vikings

'Magic: The Gathering' Concept Artist Creates a World of Vikings

How MARVEL Concept Artist Karla Ortiz Unleashed Her True Potential

How MARVEL Concept Artist Karla Ortiz Unleashed Her True Potential

Goliath: Behind the Render

Goliath: Behind the Render

Filmmaking in Unity with David Levy

Filmmaking in Unity with David Levy

City Streets: Behind The Render

City Streets: Behind The Render

Digital Artist Loish on How NOT to Burnout

Digital Artist Loish on How NOT to Burnout

Using 3D Models to Create Stunning Matte Paintings

Using 3D Models to Create Stunning Matte Paintings